Monday 18 June 2012

Final Proposal


Tin Dredger Museum


This application is a walkthrough of a tin dredger museum at Tanjung Tualang, Batu Gajah, Perak. It was built in 1938 by W.F. Payne & Sons for Pernas Chartered Management Sdn. Bhd.

This application will help people know and see how the ship is now and it will also show the processing of tin with interactive pop up information for user to interact with this application.

Target Audience

Heritage researcher, student and teacher, archeologist and government people.


1) 1) The goal of this application is to let user know about the last dredger that was left in Perak and more appreciate the heritage that was left by our old generation’s long time ago. It was built in 1938 by W.F. Payne & Sons for Pernas Chartered Management Sdn. Bhd. has been owned once by Southern Malayan Tin Dredging (M) Sdn Bhd

2) Now, this ship has become Tin dredger Museum and people can still visit the remains of this dredger at Batu 5, Jalan Tanjung Tualang, 31000 Batu Gajah. The remains are now under the supervision of Department of Antiquities and Museums of Perak. Even if people are not allowed to board the dredge remains, people can still take photographs without any restrictions.

So, this application will help people see inside and outside of this ship. This way, people will appreciate more our heritage that was left by the old generation.

3) This VR application can make user be able to view and walkthrough around to see the whole environment of Tin Dredger Museum. It will also give the information to the user in the easier way by pop up interactive information


1) To let the user experience the real tin dredger.

2) To make user experience the process of mining the tin.

3) To immerse the user with the environment of the mining tin.

4) To encourage user to appreciate the cultural heritage.

5) To provide information about the dredger through a pop up menu.

Benchmark [min 3 benchmark]
1) Phuket old bank reopens as museum

2)  The Old House, Hereford

3) Old Tainan Prefecture Hall (National Museum Of Taiwan Literature)


Firstly, user will be at the outside of the Tin Dredger Museum to go around and see the outside of the ship. After that, user will climb the stairs and will be teleport to the inside and see how the people at that time processing the tin manually by hand. At inside the ship, user can also see the interior of that ship.


1) User can control the environment by using the mouse and keyboard.

2) There will be teleport interaction to make user teleport inside the ship after they climb the stairs of the ship.

3) Information will also come out when user come closer to certain object inside the ship.